Have You Voted?

The NCEO's board election is underway. Over 300 votes have been cast, and members have until January 31. An email with instructions and a link to the ballot was sent on January 4, or you can call us if you would like to vote.

Help Set NCEO's Equity Compensation Webinar Schedule

Through October 31, we are running an online survey on which equity compensation Webinar topics you'd like us to address in 2012. Please take a minute to complete the survey and let us know.

Helping Assess ESOP Feasibility for 40 Years

When I first read about ESOPs 43 years ago as a Capitol Hill staffer, I loved the concept but was discouraged by the complexity. Employee ownership was a cause I wanted to make my own, but I was intimidated by the concept and strange (to me) language.

Helping Low-Income Employees at Employee Ownership Companies

Employee-owned Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA), a national model for home health care in the Bronx, New York, and an NCEO 2009 Innovations Awards winner, has generously volunteered to share its model for helping low-income employees achieve greater financial stability.

Hewitt Study Says Option Use Will Drop in Large Companies

A survey of 202 large US companies by HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates has found that 34% plan to decrease the proportion of employee compensation represented by options and other company stock, while 52% plan to keep the level the same, and 14% plan to increase it.

High-Ranking Chinese Delegation Examines Employee Ownership

A delegation of Chinese officials, including the director of the State Commission on Economic Restructuring and several directors of its provincial counterparts, recently completed a three-week tour of the U.S. that included several visits with employee ownership experts and companies.