Employee Ownership in the 2010 General Social Survey

The 2010 General Social Survey, one of the largest and longest-running national surveys, found that the percentage of employees saying they have ownership in the companies where they work has been stable since 2006 at 17.5% of the private sector workforce.

Employee Ownership in the Airline Industry Flies Again

It might seem in the post-United era that the last thing that employees in the airline industry would want is ownership, except, of course, in Southwest and JetBlue (both of which do have significant employee ownership plans). Not so, it turns out.

Employee Ownership in the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For

Once again, the annual Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work ForĀ® is filled with companies with broad-based employee ownership plans. Of the 73 organizations on the list that are U.S. for-profit stock corporations, 44 have some sort of employee ownership plan (see table below).

Employee Ownership in the Harvard Business Review

The January-February 2018 issue of the Harvard Business Review includes the article More Than a Paycheck (HBR allows the general public to view three articles per month), by Dennis Campbell, John Case, and Bill Fotsch.

Employee Ownership in the Largest 900 Companies

The NCEO identified 40 of the 900 largest public companies in the United States that provide broad-based options to employees (meaning most or all full-time employees are eligible for awards, although they may not actually get them), and 17 that provide broad-based restricted stock grants or simi

Employee Ownership in the Media

In a New Year's Eve post in the Indiana Business Journal, Greg Andrews writes: "Year in and year out, a parade of central Indiana companies sells to out-of-state bu

Employee Ownership in The Nation

The June 27, 2011, issue of The Nation featured 13 articles about the shape and future of capitalism, several of which focus on employee ownership. Joseph Blasi, Douglas Kruse, and Richard Freeman make the case for broad-based incentive programs, including employee ownership.

Employee Ownership in the UK

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, called yesterday for what he called "responsible capitalism," observing that "Firms that have engaged employees, who own a chunk of their company, are just as dynamic, just as savvy, as their competitors.

Employee Ownership in Trinidad

Trinidad and Tobago now has about 22 registered employee stock ownership plans, covering about 10,000 participants. Companies register their plans as profit sharing plans with an employer stock feature.

Employee Ownership Index Now Available at Infinite Equity

In June 2017, the NCEO created the Employee Ownership Index, an index of publicly traded companies that both had won major awards for high engagement management styles and had some form of broad-based employee ownership.